My Slideshow

Friday, December 11, 2009


Ok, this is not a self portret but this is me... Jo built this castle about two and a half year ago, it all started with buying land, then planning. First he built me a small house but then I said one day I would like to have a castle... and he started to build and build and build. Then he went on a 3 week RL vacation. He told me: ok honey here is your castle, now you have to texture it. He left sl for 3 weeks and i started texturing like hell, lol. By the time he got back the castle was textured and furnished.
Last night I left SL early because I didn't feel so well, Jo said he would go off too, so we kissed and I went to bed. This morning I checked my email and there was an inventory offer from Jo. I'm always very curious when i get an inventory offer so I went online straight away and found a picture of my castle. Jo didn't go offline last night, nono he worked on the castle again because the only thing that was missing in this wintertime was snowy rooftops... and look now, my sweet husband worked hard last night and this is the result:-)))
After almost 3 years he still finds some way to surprise me:-) Thank you honey, my castle looks now perfect!!!
So no selfportret this time, but a portret of my home where I spend a lot of SL time with my sweet husband:-)

1 comment:

iemie greenberg said...

awwwww that is sooooo sweet!!!
and it looks great too!!!