My Slideshow

Friday, March 5, 2010

Am I getting famous now!!??

I had a comment on my previous post asking me if I would be interested in an interview about my blog OMG.
I knew I was popular but THAT popular? lol
Anyway if you are interested in what I had to say about my blog you can read it here:



Unknown said...

Yes, this does mean you are famous now and will no doubt move to stage two (the horrible coke and/or sex addiction).

You can indeed subscribe to your blog btw. There does appear to be a feed (

Now, as for cat of the day, I nominate my stealth kitty who thinks she is invisible as she watches me.

Anonymous said...

I got it too. (Sorry)

I presume its a spammy self promotion. Speaking of self promotion, I filled in the interview. roflmao!

Lionesse Vandyke said...

Darn!! I thought I was the only popular one in blogland, there goes my ego LOL

Btw Adric, love your invisible kitty;-)