Phew, my man won the fight.. he tamed The Trunk and it's now very safe to sit on it and give your hubby a passionate kiss... but it's hidden in the woods so should be fun trying to find The Trunk;-) Stage/market/treehouse place
Ok I'm going on and on and on about the stage I know but I just like to share our little building adventure, some of them are just to hilarious not to share. Like this... it's about time this f***ng stage is ready, because.. well look at the picture. Jo was building a trunk in the woods OMG... that trunk almost killed him. Honey, you need a break;-)
I just read Natural Born Kiavik's blog about the not so live concert. SL is a small world, I happen to know A. Destiny, I booked them once for my stage. And they are indeed not live. If I do a group notice for my events I make it very clear when it is live or not. If Thumper Boucher or Raven Kondor perform on my stage, it's LIVE. If Stillian Gustafson does or ABBA, it's a TRIBUTE. So big difference! I guess some of us do not know the difference. Anyway, still hope you had a great night with the Doors and the 5000 followers Kiavik, lol
I love playing with balls.. ehm, danceballs don't understand me wrong;-) But I have the Intan stuff up and running at the stage place, finally. So we are going fast ahead now, I already booked one band for the opening, a tribute and the other will be a live artist, but I want to keep it a secret so far;-) If you don't know what to do in SL at some point, well...try playing with some balls;-) Stage/market/treehouse place
Look at this.. we have a treehouse and it's huge. Jo needed something to put his controlpanel for the lights and stuff in and we thought a treehouse would fit the new place best..
It comes with an elevator so you don't have to fly up there, that was my condition.. I wanted an elevator to come with it cause I hate flying, I'm totally not good at it. If I fly I always end up somewhere else instead of the place I wanted to be GRRR... so I'm very happy with my elevator:-)
Once you get up there you have a great view on the stage, and you and your hubby can snuggle up together on the cuddle couch (comes with single poses too) and listen to great music:-) (very soon) If you already feel you want to check out the place (it's still a mess), feel free to do so:-)
It's a huge mess at this point but we are getting there. Probably about another two weeks of work on the stage and we are up and running agian. It took us much longer time then we thought, but that is because first of all we want it perfect and second we both have to work long hours in RL. So all you Lionheart stage fans, be patient... and thx for your patience, you will not regret it, I promise:-))
Gixxxer and Iemie came over last night at the new stage place.... is it Easter already??? Nevermind, they wanted to try my new bench..
I always new Gixxxer could sing..
Oh My.. at this point I was peeing my pants LOOOOL
O O Gixxxer was devastated he had to leave the bench... good thing he had two girls around him to comfort him ... lol You want to try this hilarious bench? No problem, come on down to the stage place.. stage is not ready, but there is a nice terras with oceanview, there are dance balls and... THE BENCH!!LOL Get your seat on THE BENCH
Yesterday we went to see ABBA Sweden at the Ice Hotel SL, they play there every week on Thursday and they are supergreat, more details about this new SL band you can find on Jesper's blog. But you all really need to see them:-)) Btw there is a new Blog in Blogtown;-) My SL/RL friend Gixxxer just started one, you just might want to check that one out;-) I have a strange feeling the Blog community might get bigger then the SL community ;-)
Hi all, It's not ready yet, we still have a lot of work on the stage and some minor details. But here are some pics. We built a nice terras at oceanside where you can watch the water jump against the reef and we also have a nice offsim love island in the ocean:-)) The other picture is from the little market place we created, where you can rent a little market stand to show off your products, advertise your business, club, whatever you want. They are for rent at the rate of 20lindens/week and comes with 5 prims:-) And as for me now, I must get back in-world and work my ass off together with my husband to get the stage ready:-))
Building, texturing, rezzing, shopping, searching invent, rezzing again.... Last night we completely freaked out.. LOL (guess we are soon ready for psychiatry) .. but I finally got the bench I wanted for my little market place:-)))
Just a little teaser... the stage will stay a secret untill it is finished, but here you already get a little teaser, the relax-drink-listen to music area;-)
Ok this will be so great.... A brand new stage, a spot at seaside to relax and have a drink while listening to great artists, a little market place where you can rent one of the little market stands to promote your products, business, club... and at this market place you will also find a bunch of freebie things (LOST is gone, so I will do it this way). So Jo and me are working our asses off to get this place up and running asap!!! Thank you all for your patience and I will keep you posted on the blog and in-world:-))
Just one last look at the stage... pff I know I'm emotional about this but hey I had this for two years and lots of artists on it.. so let me just be a little emotional;-) I loved this stage but it's time for changes..
Hmm sitting here at the stage... this will be gone soon.. and just wondering if i'm doing the right thing. Well, I guess it's no turning back... so doing the right thing, the future will tell me;-)
Today is the big move... I'm not only moving the stage. We are going to build it up from new at a new location. The homeless house will be no more but... you will be able to find freebies at the new location. So I'm saying goodbye of the homeless house LOST and my stage, which I loved for so long... but like I said, it's time for changes. So I feel a little sad but also very excited:-)) The new stage will be so different and so great.... I will keep you all posted:-) Now I must get to work, phew...
Ok I was away from blog but not from sl;-) but still I was in a dip. I read some other blogs and seems like many of us are thinking a lot about their SL lives. I did too.. but I found out one thing, a very important thing. SL should be fun period. Its a second live you start. Why do you start a second life? Good question, lol I tell you why I did. I just saw it on the Belgian news about two years ago.. they said, a new online game. I said to myself (I have a history with chats online, you name it, i've done it lol), but ok i said to myself, lets try tis new game LOL I logged on more then two years ago, I created Lio, and I was here like 2 days and met my rl friend Gixxer lol. He showed me around. And then a few days later I met Jo in a bar lol, I was there, he sat at the bar, I went to him and said hi and as from that day we are together in sl and rl.. He and I, its more then two years, we did so many things in sl, we built up our home, he has his ships, i have my rentals, the stage.. so many things we did. And at one point this week it all stopped for me.. I blocked, i was still in sl but not able to do anything, the blog i wanted to leave... I just wanted to leave everything. And then something happens... Jo was away for some days from sl, i had time to think (we all need alone time), and it hit me... I just had to change my sl life, period. I was stuck in this life for 2 years, I just needed to change all.. First thing I did was setting up a surprise for Jo to welcome him back.... I got champagne and... ok this may sound very bad, but I cooked my sion chickens for him. Sorry Mr. Sion, but i was fed up, and they tasted sooo good;-) So I welcomed him back with champagne and fried chicken lol And then we made plans.. Big new plans.. the stage will move, the stage will be so different.. I think reflecting on what I have read lately on different blogs...we all need changes, we are human beings who have a mind that dont stand still... Some of us can't move in RL, so we do it in SL, make our dreams come true, and that is not bad, not bad at all... To all the people who are in a dip at this moment... don't think too much, do what your heart tells you and all will be ok at the end:-) Take it from a lion who has been around in rl an sl;-)
A long time ago in RL I had this dog, it was a German shephard named Blacky, I just loved that dog, I played with him, I took very long walks in the forests where I live, I fed him, he slept on my bed. But one day he got really sick, cancer, so we had to make a very tough decision. Let him suffer or put him to sleep. My father told me I should make the choice because he was my dog. I loved that dog so much I could not stand to see him suffer, so I decided to let him go. He looked at me one more time with his soppy eyes, then he closed them and he left the world in my armes. I was so so so sad...It took me a while to get another dog, I waited until I married, then we got two dogs.. Ofcourse like you all know, 2 out 3 marriages end, so did mine. My husband took the dogs, I never had one since because of no time..anyway Blacky was my favourate dog ever. Last night I felt a bit sad, a bit lazy, no inspiration to work on the stage. So I thought why not wander around a bit in SL. I'm not sure why but I was kind of dragged to the pet shop in SL, Zooby's, just to take a look. When I got there the shop completely changed and the pets were so much improved. I took a walk a long the dog and there he was... My Blacky in Second Life, that was so strange, it looked exactly like my real dog. I went home, counted prims, went back to Zooby's and got him. I just could not resist and I named him Blacky:-) Btw, if you want a pet, please check out Zooby's (you will find it in search), the pets are very realistic built and got lots of animations (some with build-in security system), prims are between 22 and 26, price for dogs is about 2700 Lindens. Have fun checking them out;-)
Some days ago I was thinking about our home... about what we miss here and I found out. A picnic blanket YES!!! But this little shop adventure was not without obstacles (i did not tell Jo, im just too embarrased) So I went to Pondlife, saw these great blankets with baskets. Looked prims (ofcourse), and i thougt ok.. so i got it. Jo was not here, so i read the notecard. It was great, you wear the basket with the food and the blanket and then you just rezz it where you want. So i went wandering on our land, found a spot, put down the basket, open it.. and then, I have no idea what happened but it was gone. I'm not the smartest person in sl when it comes to that lol. So reading notecard again. and i hate reading notecards but ok.. o, i took it by accident. Ok Lio look invent.. looking, looking, searching, nope.... just gone. And I am not a very patient woman either and Jo would be on soon and i wanted to surprise him, so i just went back to Pondlife and bougth another. Went home, rezzed it, all ok... he loved it.. but now ehm... hate to say this, I spend money, and now... well I just found out I have now two picnic blankets GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR I can be so so so stupid..LOL
Hmm, Bollywood, some people like it, some don't. I am one of those who don't like the Bollywood movies, they are too load, to colorfull, too much of everything but... Last night my friends Jesper and Ewa had a Bollywood party at the SL Ice Hotel Ballroom. Well, I must reconsider my opinion I guess, the party was a blast, everybody in so colorfull clothing, a great DJ.. It was just super. Good job guys, me and Jo had a great time, thanks guys!! Hugs!
Hiya Lionheart Rockers and friends... After one year and a half I decided to make some changes on and at Lionheart stage!! It was a stage where mostly tribute bands performed but I'm going to change that. There are some great live artists in-world and also many new artists who just started. So the plan is: a stage for live artists and above all a stage who wants to give new artists a chance!! I have no idea so far when the stage will be open again but I will keep you all posted:-) Lionheart will Rock again!!!!!!!!!!!
Gixxxer is my best friend RL and SL but he is... how to say... he changes appearance like I change shoes, LOL.... You are one hell of a crazy dude Gixxxer... Wassup man!!!!!