My Slideshow

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


A long time ago in RL I had this dog, it was a German shephard named Blacky, I just loved that dog, I played with him, I took very long walks in the forests where I live, I fed him, he slept on my bed. But one day he got really sick, cancer, so we had to make a very tough decision. Let him suffer or put him to sleep. My father told me I should make the choice because he was my dog. I loved that dog so much I could not stand to see him suffer, so I decided to let him go.
He looked at me one more time with his soppy eyes, then he closed them and he left the world in my armes. I was so so so sad...It took me a while to get another dog, I waited until I married, then we got two dogs.. Ofcourse like you all know, 2 out 3 marriages end, so did mine. My husband took the dogs, I never had one since because of no time..anyway Blacky was my favourate dog ever.
Last night I felt a bit sad, a bit lazy, no inspiration to work on the stage. So I thought why not wander around a bit in SL. I'm not sure why but I was kind of dragged to the pet shop in SL, Zooby's, just to take a look. When I got there the shop completely changed and the pets were so much improved.
I took a walk a long the dog and there he was... My Blacky in Second Life, that was so strange, it looked exactly like my real dog.
I went home, counted prims, went back to Zooby's and got him. I just could not resist and I named him Blacky:-)
Btw, if you want a pet, please check out Zooby's (you will find it in search), the pets are very realistic built and got lots of animations (some with build-in security system), prims are between 22 and 26, price for dogs is about 2700 Lindens.
Have fun checking them out;-)

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