Linden Lab added the "Adult" rating to the previous "Mature" and "PG" ratings.
Q: If I have Adult content, do I have to move to the new Adult mainland continent?
A: No. Only mainland residents with Adult content are required to move.
Q : Will this keep minors off of the SL adult grid?
A: No. Any minor with access to a credit card or their parent's ID can access SL.
Q: If this won't keep minors out, why is LL doing this?
A: To prevent people from being exposed to Adult content unexpectedly.
Q: Will the Adult rating prevent people from being exposed to Adult content unexpectedly?
A: Not entirely. If they are clever enough to check the sim rating prior to entry, then yes. The` client software does not allow a user to block their own access to an Adult region if they are verified. A check box under Preferences labeled "Block access to Adult regions" would be useful.
Q: If this won't keep minors off the adult grid and won't prevent verified accounts (who don’t check the sim rating prior to entry from accessing Adult content), why is LL doing this?
A: No f***ng idea!
Q: What elements require a region to be rated Adult?
A: Per Linden Lab:
* Representations of intensely violent acts, whether or not photo-realistic (for example, depicting death, torture, dismemberment or other severe bodily harm)
* Photo-realistic nudity; photo-realistic means that an image either is or cannot be distinguished from a photograph
* Expressly sexually themed content, spaces or activities (whether or not photo-realistic); we will broadly define what is "sexually themed" to include any sexually oriented activities and conduct.
NOTE: This refers to PUBLIC content. A sex bed in the privacy of your SL home does not require an Adult rated region. A sex bed in a shop that is not enabled for on the spot "test rides" may not require an Adult rated region, if the advertising language and/or images are not graphic. A sex bed in a shop enabled for consumer demos requires an Adult rated region.
Q: Only a few of the items in my shop/club fit the adult classification; what should I do?
A: Determine how big a role the Adult items play in your business. Will your business be affected more by removal of the Adult items or restriction of your customer base?
Q: I have a skin shop. Do I need to be on in an Adult region?
A: No, unless your skin displays are in graphic sexual poses or are clearly sexually aroused. To avoid problems, do not use skin displays with genitals.
Q: My skins show female breasts with nipples. Do I need to be on in an Adult region?
A: Same answer; no, unless your skin displays are in graphic sexual poses or are clearly sexually aroused. (NOTE: Breasts are NOT genitals. Their primary function in nature is for the nursing of the young of the species. The fact that some people find them sexually arousing does not make them sexual in nature. People in SL who find the non-photo-realistic breasts on skin displays disturbing can find any number of other places on the internet to go to and be "disturbed".)
Q: When does this all come to pass?
A: LL's target date for full implementation appears to be "mid-August". We intend to have our Sims correctly classified no later than August 1.
20 hours ago
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